Photos of Yongdingmen Park

Yongdingmen Park is located in Dongcheng District, Beijing. In 2006, it was rated as a Beijing Excellent Park. The Yongding Gate Tower is a special scenic spot inside. The tower has been renovated and is well preserved. Yongdingmen Park was completed in September 2004, with a total green area of 138,000 square meters. The overall green space is in the shape of a boat, and the cultural connotation is reflected through a series of small square ground paving. A pedestrian walkway paved with stone slabs in the middle and gray bricks on both sides runs through the north and south, connecting with the imperial road of the Forbidden City and becoming the central axis of the south. logo. The ground pavement and rest facilities are in the same style as the walls of the Temple of Heaven. Natural materials such as gray bricks and blue tiles are used to integrate the overall style of the South Central Axis of "flat, generous, simple and natural". It is a street park that is open all day. People can fly kites and roller-skate in the park, which is very pleasant.

Reviews on Yongdingmen Park

这里是明清北京外城城墙的正门、北京中轴线的南端—— 上初一的闺女有一项暑假作业,是要实地考察北京的中轴线,并在中轴线上选取一件文物重点了解,深入了解它的历史文化价值。说到北京的中轴线,北起钟鼓楼,然后景山、故宫、前门、天桥,直到南端的永定门,整条线上值得探访的内容太多了,今天专程来永定门逛一逛,陪闺女完成作业。现在的教育非常重视实践活动了,鼓励学生们走出去,亲眼看世界、亲耳听世界、亲身去感受世界,这比坐在课堂上、宅在家里死读书要强太多了,就比如我上初一的时候对北京城、中轴线的认知肯定远远比不上现在的初中生,就是因为缺少综合知识体系的教育和相应实践活动的引导。 永定门建于明嘉靖三十二年(1553年),至今470年历史,乃是北京外城南垣的正门,也是北京城中轴线的南起点。永定门城楼是一座两层重檐歇山顶三滴水楼阁式建筑,巍峨雄伟,是北京外城城门当中形制规模最大、施工工艺最精致的城门建筑之一,也是中轴线最南端的标志性建筑。1949年2月3日,解放军入城式就是从永定门城楼下进入的北京城。可惜从1950年至1957年,永定门的瓮城、城楼、箭楼相继被拆除,十分令人遗憾。2004年,北京市仿照原样重建了永定门城楼,这才使中轴线的概念更加生动起来。另外在2003年,人们在先农坛里北京古代建筑博物馆门口的一株古柏树下,找到了保存完好的永定门原配石匾,也就是明嘉靖三十二年始建永定门时的石匾。 永定门公园北起南纬路南侧,南至永定门城楼南广场,就像是一条狭长的绿化带,东侧是先农坛、西侧是天坛。公园里的主要建筑当然就是永定门城楼,在城楼北侧,石板铺就的中轴线一路向北延伸,其中一段还特意保留着明清时中轴路的样貌,举目北望,隐隐可见同样高大的正阳门城楼顶部。道路两侧都是园林绿地,每隔一段就有一小片广场,很多周边居民在此跳舞、打球、锻炼、健身,这一带有多处大型公园,绿化面积很大,环境保护十分突出,对附近居民来说无疑是极有好处的。向北走到公园北端的时候,中轴线继续向北延伸,在此还能看到前方不远处的天桥,那也是原址原样复建的,同样是中轴线上复原的一处重要建筑,桥边有两座乾隆御碑,也很值得去看一看。 目前的中轴线北端已经延伸到奥林匹克森林公园了,而南端更是延伸到了更远的大兴新机场,中轴线在不断延伸,这是因为城市建设在延伸、北京城也在不断扩大。

Attractions Near Yongdingmen Park

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Beijing Shoukai Tennis Club
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Restaurants Near Yongdingmen Park

DaHai Wan (TianQiao)
DaHai Wan (TianQiao)
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Beijing Cuisine
Weiduomei (tianqiao)
Weiduomei (tianqiao)
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Hotels Near Yongdingmen Park