Trinity College Chapel, Cambridge
Trinity College Chapel, Cambridge
Trinity College Chapel, Cambridge

Photos of Trinity College Chapel, Cambridge

Trinity College was founded by King Henry VIII in 1546. Whether it is academic achievement, economic strength, or college scale, it ranks among the best among the 31 colleges of Cambridge University. What the world admires is that it is also the alma mater of the great scientist Newton, the philosopher Bacon, and many royal aristocrats including Prince Charles, six British prime ministers, and many Nobel Prize winners. There is a statue of Henry VIII at the entrance of the college gate. It is hilarious: the majestic king holds a golden ball with a cross on the top of the throne in his left hand, and a chair leg in his right hand. It is said that Henry VIII originally held a golden scepter symbolizing kingship in his right hand. Not long after the statue was completed, some mischievous student quietly climbed up, pulled out the scepter, and replaced it with the current chair leg. What's even more strange is that for hundreds of years, no one has bothered about it. Cambridge people not only let nature take its course, but also constantly introduce this "wonderful" story to new students and tourists. In the middle of the green lawn to the right of the gate, an inconspicuous apple tree is planted. It is said that an apple from the ancestors of this tree fell on Newton's head, which inspired him to discover the law of universal gravitation.

Reviews on Trinity College Chapel, Cambridge

剑桥大学三一学院是剑桥大学中规模最大、财力最雄厚、名声最响亮的学院之一,拥有约700名大学生,350名研究生和180名教授,同时,它也拥有全剑桥大学中最优美的建筑与庭院。在20世纪,三一学院获得了32个诺贝尔奖以及5个菲尔兹奖,为剑桥大学各个学院中最多的。三一学院著名校友包括物理学家伊萨克∙牛顿,尼尔斯∙玻尔,哲学家路德维希∙维特根斯坦,伯特兰∙罗素,六位英国首相,以及许多的英国皇室成员,其中第二代格洛斯特和爱丁堡公爵威廉亲王和查尔斯王子分别于1790年和1970年取得学位。 三一学院是于1546年由英国国王亨利八世所建造,其前身是1324年建立的迈克尔学院以及1317年建立的国王学堂,也因为如此,今天学院中依然保留着最古老的建筑,可以一直追溯到中世纪时期国王学堂所使用的学院钟楼,直到今天还在为学院报时。三一学院的教堂是由亨利八世的女儿玛丽∙都铎于1554年修建的,虽然整个教堂的内部装璜要到18世纪才能够全部完成。教堂前厅摆着从三一学院毕业的六名著名毕业生的玉石雕像,分别是牛顿像、培根像、丁尼生像、伊萨克∙巴罗像、威廉∙惠威尔像、托马斯∙麦考利像。 三一学院的整个建筑群在17世纪初时进行过大规模的整修,这是在当时的原长托马斯∙纳维尔的亲自设计主持下完成的,整个宏伟的建筑设计方案包括将古老的钟楼移动20码,以空出足够的空间来建造哥特式建筑风格的庭院“巨庭”。

Attractions Near Trinity College Chapel, Cambridge

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