Stone Carving Wall
Stone Carving Wall
Stone Carving Wall

Photos of Stone Carving Wall

The stone carving art wall is located beside the main road of Taishan North Road in Deyang City. It is composed of Niumen, Song of Life, Art Gallery, Light of Wisdom, Chinese Soul, 12 Zodiac Pillars and other landscapes, with nature and life as the theme of expression. The skilled craftsmen of Deyang City skillfully handled the terrain and environment, brainstormed ideas, drew blueprints, and built this large-scale stone carving art wall to match the Shiniu Park, opening an organic combination of urban retaining wall architecture and plastic arts in China. It is the first of its kind, integrates ethnic and traditional cultural connotations, and fully demonstrates the locality and the times. Especially lingering are the two groups of large-scale reliefs at the head and tail. The large-scale relief "Song of Life" at the northern end of the wall is 38 meters long. The original harmonious relationship, as well as the thirst for life and the eulogy. A group of hollowed-out wall carvings "Light of Wisdom" with a length of 53 meters at the end of the wall, as well as the portraits of the Han Dynasty, concentrated on showing the splendor of Bashu culture.

Reviews on Stone Carving Wall

《三体》最后,歌者文明向太阳系弹出“二向箔”,将整个星系包括地球降维至二维时,罗辑在冥王星向程心展示了地球之前为保留人类文明记录的所有信息,记录方式是--石刻,这种最原始的铭记方式,却在千年后后科技时代依旧最有效。勒石留名,让岁月不再失语,德阳政府很明显深刻理解石刻的真正价值意义,在上个世纪80年代打造了德阳最出名最具特色的石刻公园,成为我国最大的城市现代艺术石刻雕塑群。[糖果]1.位置:绵远河畔,德阳市中心附近,占地面积极广,边看石刻边逛需要接近一个下午。[糖果]2.开放时间:朝八晚十,公园除了石刻外,还有很多一般公园带有的休憩场所、锻炼场所、少儿文艺培训板块。[糖果]3.看点:(1)石刻群。由川美老师打造,基于一堵石墙创作的《中华魂》、《东方魂》两大主题石雕。《中华魂》可以看做古代中国史杰出人物造像,展现成吉思汗、汉武帝等一干人物英武形象,又有各种神话,如共工怒撞不周山、女娲补天、西王母幽会周穆王的展示,题材丰富、表现大胆,男女性别特征尤为明显,在那个年代,属实算的上前卫了。《东方魂》可以看做讴歌新中国的红色石雕,56个民族齐上阵,各种展现民族特色的服饰与建筑杂糅一起,目不衔接、很正能量。[糖果]2)标志石雕-智慧之光。在石刻群中心位置,半球状的碗里镂空雕塑了一座小塔,左右是西斯廷建筑风格的半环廊道,整体表现带有拜占庭建筑的特征,又兼具哥特式、洛可可的味道,我简直都不知道我在说什么了,反正就是比较壮观,适合拍照。它的对面还雕塑了一个时空之门一样的带环拱桥,桥上又有以后母戊鼎为模板的石鼎,中西结合的如此不失微笑,也算是奇景了。[糖果](3)12生肖华表。在石牛公园大门后面,因为绵远河80年代清淤,发现了清代石牛,据此命名公园,后又改名石刻公园,所以园内有牛的塑像,附近就是12生肖华表柱,采用圆雕的手法,展现了12生肖与天地共鸣的哲学思想,蔚蓝天空下,颇为好看。[糖果]整个艺术雕塑群,技法非常多样,集圆雕、浮雕、透雕与建筑、园林、水景、灯彩为一体,最大限度渲染了石刻的魅力,被马识途誉为“中国没有,世界少见”。(4)其它。园区还有荷花池、古榕树、各种武校、文艺培训等,我没有逛完,实在走累了。 07年第一次来的时候,只记得有群石刻浮雕可攀可爬,时隔15年,杨过小龙女都鹊桥会了,重温旧梦,却没有当年懵懂的回忆了。人会变化,石刻不会,千年之后,德阳石刻公园必然会成为世界文化遗产,被联合国教科文组织珍藏

Attractions Near Stone Carving Wall

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Deyang Rock Carvings
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Xianghe Square
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Restaurants Near Stone Carving Wall

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