Photos of Old Melbourne Gaol

Many tourists are intrigued by the history of the Old Melbourne Gaol. Victoria's oldest surviving prison, which operated from 1845 until 1924, is now one of Australia's most famous museums and attractions. Known to harbor Australia's most violent and notorious criminals, including Australian convict and folk hero Ned Kelly. With most of the original architecture untouched, a tour of the historical prison gives guests a bone-chilling experience. Check out the unique souvenirs and memorabilia at the gift shop, or take a candlelight tour of the prison at your own risk!

Reviews on Old Melbourne Gaol

墨尔本旧监狱是现存的最古老的维多利亚时代的监狱,原用来关押狂躁和顽固的罪犯,如今已是一座博物馆,保留着原本的所有设置。购买参观券后,可以领取《游客指南》,有中文版的。在维多利亚街和罗素街的街角附近,是已经泛黑的蓝石建筑,现在只留下其中的一部分。也就是“囚室大楼”。内部中央有通路,两侧是三层的单人牢房,即使在夏季仍十分阴冷。展示着绞首台、鞭笞刑台、鞭子、手拷、脚镣等各种刑具,令人触目惊心。曾有104个死刑犯在此行刑,澳洲传说的强盗团首顿Ned Kelly于1880年在此监狱被处以绞刑。他和警察队的最后决战中所使用的手制头盔、铠甲还有其他的死亡面具(Death Mask)等都有展示。博物馆每天都有入狱体验活动Watch House Experience)有兴趣参加的游客在进门时不妨留意一下当天的活动时间安排,在活动开始前10分钟回到集合地点即可参加(持标的游客,不需要另付费)。活动开始后,你会拿到一张控诉书(Charge Sheet),上面记录着你所扮演的犯人名称、地址、罪名、逮捕地点等,“狱警”会给几分钟时间让每位游客记住这些内容,随后“狱警”会带着各位“犯人”进入监狱,并且疾言厉色地要求大家遵循他的指令,包括象征性地搜身检查等,把气氛营造得跟真的一样。男女游客被分为两队,分别关进禁闭室,狭小的空间、幽闭的环境让人感受到窒息般的压迫。整个体验活动约30-40分钟。在体验完“入狱”后,游客可以手持编号在布景前拍一张犯人照,中意的话可以凭号码在纪念品商店打印出来留作纪念。体验完毕后,没有去拍“犯人照”

Attractions Near Old Melbourne Gaol

RMIT Alumni Courtyard
RMIT Alumni Courtyard
5/51 Reviews
City Parks
Exceptional Fig Tree 170
Exceptional Fig Tree 170
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City Parks
City Watch House
City Watch House
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Historical Architectures

Restaurants Near Old Melbourne Gaol

Da Guido La Pasta
Da Guido La Pasta
4.1/57 Reviews
4/53 Reviews
Brunetti (Carlton)
Brunetti (Carlton)
4.6/583 Reviews
Other Cuisine

Hotels Near Old Melbourne Gaol