Green Island
Green Island
Green Island

Photos of Green Island

Green Island is located in Green Island Township, Taitung County, where Cai Qin's "Green Island Serenade" was sung. You can enjoy the sapphire-like water here, interact with the innocent and lovely sika deer, dive into the seabed to explore the splendid underwater world, or rent a motorcycle to travel around this paradise, which is a leisure resort for family and friends. . The main attractions of Green Island are distributed on the cement road around the island with a length of about 16.3 kilometers. You can start from Nanliao Bay near the wharf and take a sightseeing bus around the island. The bus passes through 13 stops, and stops at the Human Rights Memorial Park, Guanyin Cave, Sleeping beauty and other attractions stop for a while, so that tourists can get off the bus and visit. If you want to travel in depth or rent a car, you need a motorcycle driver’s license to rent a motorcycle in Taiwan. If you don’t have a driver’s license, try to choose an electric bicycle. There are many mountain roads in Ludao, and riding a bicycle is more exhausting. At night, you can ask the owner of the homestay to take you to see the sika deer. The sika deer are afraid of light and heat. They cannot hide during the day and can only be found at night. In the early morning, watching the sunrise in the hot spring of Asahi is also a unique enjoyment here. Lying in the open-air hot spring and meeting the first rays of dawn accompanied by the waves and sea breeze is really pleasant. After watching the sunrise, you can go snorkeling after going back to the B&B. This is a popular diving resort in Taiwan. The diving shop provides complete snorkeling equipment, life jackets and experienced instructors. Those who do not know how to dive can go to the fishing port. Take a sightseeing glass boat to enjoy the beauty of the seabed of Green Island.

Reviews on Green Island

绿岛,一座很绿也很蓝很热情的小岛屿。趁着学校放春假去了趟绿岛,我们现在台东完了2天再去的绿岛。1⃣️绿岛蓝海奇缘民俗,是我找了N久找到性价比最高的,对于一个学生党来说再好不过了。定了套餐:住宿一晚➕租车➕浮潜➕夜游➕早餐=1450台币/每人 (浮潜可换成海底温泉 ) 浮潜300台币 深潜2500台币 海底温泉300台币2⃣️民宿老板代订的台东富冈码头往返绿岛船票 便宜100多台币 一人来回800台币 船班时间:9:30—14:30 3⃣️半个小时左右抵达绿岛 码头边上就是绿岛中心,有全家和7-11便利商店(全岛仅此两家 取钱银联卡往旁边的邮局ATM取哦)租车行也在这边 还有浮潜深潜店铺都在这里 小吃饭店也基本都在这边4⃣️民宿老板早就开车过来码头接我们,老板带走了我们的行李,我们早租车行压好往来通行证签好保证书,汽车小电动去环岛了!5⃣️环岛路线就是小岛外围一大圈,跟着指示牌走,一路绿油油一路蓝蓝的海,风景很天然很舒服,天气热有风,做好防晒,太阳很毒,脱下衣服拍了几张照片,吊带印子!!!一圈大概30分钟左右环完,一圈下来记得去换电池就OK了,有些地方坡度还挺大,小心慢骑!6⃣️我们到的那天天气阴 下了小雨 一点也不妨碍看美景 海还是我喜欢的蓝色 下午出了太阳 跟着教练去浮潜 海里全是热带鱼 珊瑚礁 特别好看 可能我使用潜水镜不当喝了好几口海水 好咸啊 一口感觉五大勺盐分 教练说天然海水才这么咸 7⃣️晚上吃了当地有名的 海草煎蛋 海草绵绵冰 鹿肉炒饭 炸飞鱼 简直不能太赞 看了个美美的夕阳8⃣️晚上教练带我们去夜游 岛上没有路灯 只有路面反光灯 黑的哟 加上海水声 说真的有的害怕 还不小心碾死了两只路过蟾蜍 教练从远处照灯 梅花鹿的眼睛好亮好亮 岛上很多梅花鹿还有竹节虫 9⃣️隔天起来 天气超好 又去环了几圈 哈巴狗和睡美人岩石真的太像了 不禁感叹大自然的鬼斧神工 小长城爬上去看绿岛感觉好棒 牛头山一定要上去 往里走一段路就到了 你会发现站在高处看绿岛 美死了 还有后面悬崖式的大海 有一处颜色好特别啊 我还想再去一次

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