Historical Museum of the Miramare Castle
Historical Museum of the Miramare Castle
Historical Museum of the Miramare Castle

Photos of Historical Museum of the Miramare Castle

The castle is located 7 kilometers northwest of Trieste and was built in the mid-19th century by the then Archduke Ferdinand of Austria and his wife Charlotte. This castle built by the mountains and the sea, in addition to the exquisite castle, is also decorated with beautiful gardens along the coast, planted with rare and cherished plant species, full of different styles, there are also two ponds in the garden, with swans and swans. Lotus is famous, so this castle is a classic of fantasy neo-Gothic.

Reviews on Historical Museum of the Miramare Castle

前些日子我带大家去了巴里,今天我们继续意大利🇮🇹小众城市之旅-的里雅斯特。的里雅斯特(Trieste)是意大利东北部著名的海港城市。而今天我带大家去的米拉马雷城堡是这座城市最著名的景点,这座城堡的价值对整个意大利都极为重要!她建在亚得里亚海的海边,临近的里雅斯特湾,建造于1856年至1860年,是为奥匈帝国大公马西米连诺一世和其妻子建造的。米拉马雷城堡由卡尔·容克(Carl Junker)设计,远远望去就像是直接矗立于海浪之上。城堡被占地22公顷的花园包围,这个花园因多种多样的热带树木和花草而知名,静谧而优雅,安逸而雅致,我这次去也正值三月中旬,受海洋暖流影响花朵已经竞相开放,让人心旷神怡。白色的米拉马雷城堡依山海,风景极美,是一个观赏山水,聆听海风的好去处。据说在城堡的众多房间中没有一个房间是看不到大海的,因而这个城堡素有“亲水豪宅”的美誉。走进城堡,我参观了马西米连诺一世的主人房和客房,墙上还挂着他加冕墨西哥领主时的照片。现在的米拉马雷城堡内的所有房间都依然保持着当年的装修和装饰,为理性主义风格,其装饰品、家具等历史可追溯至19世纪中期。参观城堡需要提前预约,按照约定时间前往,将预约单交给城堡正门里的工作人员便可进入。城堡内允许拍照但不可以录像。并要按照里面摆放的指示牌顺序参观,不可乱走。

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