Photos of Sidi Bou Said

Located 20 kilometers north of Tunis, the blue and white town is a beautiful town with a Mediterranean atmosphere. Because in the eyes of Tunisians, blue symbolizes peace, all the houses here have only two colors - white walls, blue doors and windows, and the Andalusian-style cottages with blue windows and white houses are this blue and white small The character of the town, so simple and so romantic, makes it a suitor's paradise. The blue and white town winds up the mountain with a simple layout, a cobblestone-paved street with white houses shining in the sun on both sides, and some alleys sticking out from the house. The houses are only two or three stories high. What makes people feel as if they are in a fairy tale are the blue iron windows and blue wooden doors inlaid on the white wall. The arabesque scrolls are displayed on the iron window lattices, symmetrical and dreamy; the blue copper nails on the door The stars and the moon, as well as bows and arrows, flowers and other patterns are combined, which are gorgeous and exquisite. Walking in such a romantic and beautiful town, you might as well find a coffee shop to listen to the footsteps of time. Le Café des Nattes is a famous coffee shop in the blue and white town. It is a century-old coffee shop. After the painter Mache painted "Viewofa Mosque" here in 1914, the layout here has not changed. The cafe is located in the middle of the town, and it is easy for tourists to find it. There are too many people to sit indoors. The store will spread straw mats on the stairs for the guests to sit. It's called a straw mat cafe. The cafe offers a strong Italian-style coffee. A complete portion is only half a cup, usually mint tea. It is sweet and greasy, with a layer of pine nuts floating in it. small town. Jasmine is the national flower of Tunisia. Men in blue and white towns like to hang a bunch of jasmine flowers behind their ears. It is said that the jasmine blooms here for half a year. Young people or old people in traditional costumes often string the flowers into strings, insert them into large straw trays, and walk around the streets to sell them to tourists, forming a beautiful scenery. . If you are interested, you may wish to buy a few bunches of jasmine flowers and hang them on your chest or behind your ears, surrounded by the refreshing fragrance. When it comes to food, the fried doughnuts in the blue and white town are worth a try. The crispy doughnuts are wrapped in white sugar and are fragrant and sweet. Although the blue and white town is not big, if you look up, you can see the blue and tender Mediterranean Sea with beautiful scenery, enthusiastic residents and romantic and exquisite blue and white cottages everywhere. It's worth coming here, it's worth spending a few days here, forgetting the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoying the quiet time.

Reviews on Sidi Bou Said

突尼斯印象——惊艳蓝白小镇今天的行程是:蓝白小镇和迦太基遗址酒店旁边就是轻轨站,早餐后前往购票,0.7第纳尔一张的车票,便宜得让我惊讶。当然,这列轻轨其实也就是突尼斯人民的城市公交,早上我们前往蓝白小镇时,车厢较空,没什么人,可是下午五点我们看完迦太基遗址回突尼斯城时,却是爆满,我们好不容易才挤进车厢,和突尼斯人民前胸贴后背的亲密接触了一把。被国人称之为蓝白小镇(SIDI BOU SAID )的北非小镇位于突尼斯首都突尼斯城东北部,名叫西迪布赛。之所以称它为“蓝白小镇”,是因为这个坐落在地中海边峭壁上的镇子,所有的房屋只有两种颜色,白色的墙,蓝色的门窗。如此单纯,却是如此美丽。整个小镇是沿山势蜿蜒而上的,布局很简单,一条鹅卵石铺就的街道,两边是在阳光下闪闪发亮的白色房屋,也有些小巷从屋子内伸出去。房屋都只有二三层高,最让人感觉仿佛置身于童话的,是那白色墙上镶嵌着的蓝色的铁窗和蓝色的木门。阿拉伯式的蔓藤涡卷展现在铁窗窗棂,对称而迷幻;木门上半部的穹顶代表着清真寺的建筑,门上的蓝色铜钉则拼合出星星和月亮,还有弓箭、花卉等伊斯兰图案,华丽而精美。蓝白相间的房屋筑就了这座蓝白小镇。站在小镇的最高处,才会发现其实这里地势险要,真是临海的峭壁。也许正是因为清一色的蓝色和白色,消解了所有的陡峭,将一切平和地铺展开来。听说这里的房屋之所以选择白色,主要是出于生活上的考虑,因为地中海沿岸的夏天气候炎热,而白色具有不吸热又容易散热的特性,因此涂在房屋外墙,可保持室内凉爽,再加上这里盛产石灰,于是选择白色也就理所当然了。也许,在这里只消卖蓝色油漆和白色石灰,就能让生活过得自由自在。事实上,如此让人惊艳的蓝与白的搭配,在地中海沿岸的其他地方并不鲜见,只是突尼斯人对生活的热爱,对人的天性的格外尊崇,才使得西迪布赛这座“蓝白小镇”成为世上一个独特的存在。客观点评:地球上号称“蓝城”,的地方,我其实去过印度的焦特普尔、摩洛哥的舍夫沙万,突尼斯的蓝白小镇,其实名气没有他们的如雷贯耳,但现场体验后,觉得是各有千秋的:突尼斯的蓝白小镇,胜在位于地中海边上。去蓝白小镇的前提条件必须的天气好才漂亮,我们才到时天阴沉着,拍照的心情都没有。后来太阳出来了,那才叫一个漂亮!

Attractions Near Sidi Bou Said

Centro di Sidi Bou Said
Centro di Sidi Bou Said
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Galerie Saladin
Galerie Saladin
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Le Jardin Méditerranéen De Sidi Bou Said
Le Jardin Méditerranéen De Sidi Bou Said
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Restaurants Near Sidi Bou Said

Tam Tam
Tam Tam
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Keens Café
Keens Café
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Hotels Near Sidi Bou Said