Photos of Zhenguan Culture Square

Zhenguan Culture Square is located on South Yanta Road, Yanta District, and is a model of the combination of traditional culture and modern architecture. The square is composed of four groups of cultural and artistic buildings, Xi'an Grand Theater, Xi'an Concert Hall, Qujiang Art Museum and Qujiang Pacific Cinema, conveying a majestic Tang style. The four main buildings are in a spatially symmetrical relationship with the north-south axis facing the Big Wild Goose Pagoda. The cinema and art gallery are built on the north side and are built with double eaves on the top of the mountain. Eaves Hall. On the central axis of the square is a central sculpture landscape pedestrian street running from north to south, where there are group sculptures of prosperous emperors, historical figures, heroic stories, and classic works of art. The representative one is the Zhenguan Monument, which consists of the equestrian statue of Li Shimin and the surrounding ancillary sculptures. The four characters "Zhenguan Zhizhi" are engraved on the front of the stele, and hundreds of characters are listed on the back of Zhenguan's political dignitaries, reflecting the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty.

Reviews on Zhenguan Culture Square

20230402晚上:1、“贞观广场”位于“大唐不夜城”是全国唯一的以盛唐文化为主题的仿唐代步行街,融合了雍容华丽的唐风和青春时尚的潮流,汉服美女云集,夜间的演出精彩纷呈,是西安旅游必打卡的夜景名片,全街长约1500米,集表演、逛街、夜景、文化于一体。景区在5A景区大雁塔脚下,由“玄奘广场”、“贞观广场”、“开元广场”3部分组成,是开放式景区,免费。①地址:西安市雁塔区慈恩路46号。②交通:公交直达,开车不好停。③旺季:无。 ④用时:3小时。⑤注意事项:关注景区公众号可获取当晚演出时间表。2、贞观广场中轴线由北向南途经“水能载舟亦能覆舟”雕像(魏征劝谏唐太宗的著名典故)、骆驼彩雕(拍照点)、呐喊泉(喊声会使喷泉喷出,所以老远就能听到喊叫声)后到达“贞观之治”雕塑群。雕塑群正中央的高台上,唐太宗李世民骑马的英姿被台下的乐手、将军士兵、车马簇拥,模拟了唐朝第一个盛世,即贞观之治时期皇家出行的气派场面,贞观之治雕塑南侧是演出“贞观之治”和“乐舞长安”的表演场;北侧是演出“长安故事舞台”的表演场;东侧是演出“大唐婚礼”表演场。继续向南途经金凤凰(壮观美丽的拍照点)、“房谋杜断”雕塑(讲述了唐太宗时期左丞相房玄龄“多谋”却不“善断”,唐太宗会将右丞相杜如晦请来作决断,房杜二人珠联璧合,形成“多谋善断”的黄金搭档。雕塑北侧是演出“华灯太白”表演场)、西天取经彩绘(唐僧师徒4人站在白龙马上的玩偶彩绘,颜值极高,是拍照点)后到达“地屏广场”。地屏广场北侧是“追梦力量舞台”,每晚会有现代歌舞表演,当天是女网红“锅盖吖”在唱歌;南侧是漂亮的兔年大型彩灯,脚下的方块彩灯随着行人踩上会变色,很有创意和趣味。3、贞观广场下的两侧分出一条东西巷的小街“唐礼坊”,以商品和饮食为主,街的南北侧分别连通了分布贞观广场4个角落的“西安音乐厅”、“陕西大剧院”、“西安美术馆”和“曲江太平洋电影城”,坊内是演出“四大才女”表演场;西入口是演出“旋转的胡旋”表演场。

Attractions Near Zhenguan Culture Square

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