100 Years of Calvino with Bologna Children's Book Fair and Rizzoli | Rizzoli Bookstore

100 Years of Calvino with Bologna Children's Book Fair and Rizzoli | Rizzoli Bookstore

Nov 11, 2023 (UTC-5)
Rizzoli Bookstore


Join the Bologna Children's Book Fair and Rizzoli Bookstore in celebrating 100 years of Calvino! This exciting event will bring together Italian illustrators, American children's publishers, and book lovers alike. Taking place on November 11, 2023, at the prestigious Rizzoli Bookstore in New York City, this centennial celebration promises to be a memorable occasion. The evening will kick off with a roundtable discussion from 6 to 7 pm, featuring leading American children's publishers. They will shed light on the upcoming Italian authors set to be published in 2023-2024. This is a unique opportunity to gain insight into the future of Italian literature for children. Following the discussion, from 7 to 8 pm, the Bologna Children's Book Fair will welcome acclaimed Italian illustrators Andrea Antinori and Irene Rinaldi. In conversation with Grazia Gotti, a renowned pedagogist, they will come together to honor the legacy of Italo Calvino and discuss their own artistic journeys. Seating is limited and will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Doors open at 5:30 pm, so be sure to arrive early to secure your spot. The event is free of charge, allowing everyone to partake in this momentous celebration. Andrea Antinori, hailing from Bologna, has made a name for himself as an illustrator collaborating with Italian and foreign publishing houses. His impressive portfolio includes award-winning books, and his work has graced the prestigious Bologna Illustrators Exhibition. Irene Rinaldi, a Rome native who now resides in Bologna, brings a unique artistic flair to her illustrations. Her craft, though digitally made, maintains an artisanal touch. Rinaldi draws inspiration from the vibrant cultural scene in Bologna, including the renowned Bologna Children's Book Fair. Grazia Gotti, an esteemed pedagogist and consultant for the Bologna Children's Book Fair, will share her expertise and insights during the evening's festivities. Her passion for children's literature and dedication to promoting literacy make her a valuable contributor to this event. Don't miss out on this captivating celebration of Calvino's legacy. Mark your calendars for November 11, 2023, and join us at Rizzoli Bookstore in New York City. Immerse yourself in the world of children's literature and be inspired by the talent and creativity of Italian illustrators and American publishers.

Provided by Raynor|Published Mar 25, 2024


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