The North End Urban Expressions Art Festival: The Healing 2024 | MOORE Community Park

The North End Urban Expressions Art Festival: The Healing 2024 | MOORE Community Park

Aug 24, 2024 (UTC-5)
MOORE Community Park


The North End Urban Expressions Art Festival: The Healing 2024 is a significant event taking place in Detroit. Set to be held on August 24, 2024, at MOORE Community Park, this festival aims to celebrate the neighborhood's rich history, culture, and artistic expressions. By highlighting the assets of the community, such as its people, places, food, music, and art, The Healing festival serves as a tribute to the Black Arts & Cultural legacy of the past while showcasing what the present holds. This event goes beyond a typical festival; it serves as a space-building endeavor. Through various artistic installations, both temporary and permanent, the beauty of parks, gardens, and open spaces is illuminated. Additionally, flower memorials are planted to honor comrades, friends, and family who are no longer with us. Attendees have the opportunity to share their love and remembrance through songs and poems that can be heard from afar. The North End Urban Expressions Art Festival: The Healing 2024 is an amplifier for the heart of the neighborhood. Its goal is to bring attention to the community's vibrant artistic scene while fostering a sense of unity and appreciation. With free admission, this festival welcomes everyone to come and experience the power of art, culture, and celebration. Join us at MOORE Community Park on August 24, 2024, as we come together to honor the past, embrace the present, and look towards a brighter future.

Provided by Lord Vishnu|Published Jul 2, 2024


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