8-day tour of Southern Xinjiang with an average cost of 4000+ travel guide

🌸🏞️Xinjiang, a beautiful fairyland waiting for you to explore! 🌸🏞️ ✈️A trip to Pamir, let's feel the poetic four seasons of Xinjiang together. Every year in March and April, the apricot blossoms in Xinjiang bloom, and the romantic spring in southern Xinjiang will give you a different feeling. 📅Itinerary: 8️⃣days and 7️⃣nights 🚗Tour: 2-6 people local pure play mini group 💰Cost: 4k+ (including accommodation and transportation) ⏰Travel time: mid-March to early April 2024 🗺Route: Enter from Urumqi and exit from Kashgar, no round trip 🔥Highlights: Drone aerial photography + desert exploration + hiking in the Grand Canyon + walking in the ancient city of Kashgar 🌟Scenic spot highlights analysis🌟: ✔️Bai Sha Lake: The white desert and the blue lake complement each other, as if in a fairyland. ✔️Bandir Lake: High gorge and flat lake, the lake is like a sapphire, surrounded by mountains, beautiful. ✔️Kashgar Old City: Colored mud walls, brick walls, round arches and colored doors and windows, simple and beautiful, an excellent place for shooting. ✔️Muztagh Volcano: Dozens of dormant volcanoes are scattered, with different shapes, spectacular. ✔️Tal Township: The apricot blossoms on the Pamir Plateau are brilliantly blooming, like a poem and painting. ✔️ Tianshan Mysterious Grand Canyon: The melting snow in the red sandstone layer cuts out a strange and mysterious red canyon. 🚗Route sharing🚗: 🌄Day 1: Departure place-Urumqi 🌄Day 2: Urumqi- Luobu Village-Korla 🌄Day 3: Korla-Tianshan Mysterious Grand Canyon-Aksu 🌄Day 4: Aksu-Kashgar Old City-Kashgar 🌄Day 5: Kashgar-Muztagh Volcano-Bai Sha Lake Panorama-Taxian 🌄Day 6: Taxian- Panlong Ancient Road-Bandir Lake-Tal Township Apricot Blossom 🌄Day 7: Tal Township-Kashgar 🌄Day 8: Kashgar 🎉This trip will leave you unforgettable memories, you can organize your travel experience into a wonderful travel note, and share it with others! 🌟😄✨
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Jan 22, 2024
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