
Outlets at Barstow Review

4.4 /528 Reviews
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This Ole was completely unexpected, because we only bought it the day before in the desert outlets in Los Angeles. It was delayed to go to Miss Sister's house for dinner in the evening, making people wait for a long time. The next day, on the way to Las Vegas, I saw this giant signboard of Ole from afar. We were laughing in the car, saying that we got off the bus and continued to buy, and we didn't buy enough yesterday and continue to buy today. Haha, I was just kidding. I didn't know that everyone was talking more and more energetic, so I really drove into this Ole. Compared with the desert Ole the day before, there were obviously fewer customers here, that is, there happened to be a car tour group, otherwise we can definitely buy it at ease. This is a relatively small Ole, there are not many brands, and there are only a few brands that are interested in Chinese people. The discount is actually similar to Desert Ole, but it is just that there are fewer people here, the clerk's service is better, and the goods are more complete. Shopping experience is better. It took less than three hours to go shopping. I bought a bunch of big bags and small bags. Although I spent money, I felt that I found it cheap, so everyone was still very happy. If you suggest you come to visit, but it is not worth the trip. After all, it is relatively small.

Outlets at Barstow

Posted: Dec 7, 2019
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  • 旅の径
    Original Text

    Basto, a tourist bus that takes a group of tourists, mainly Asians, to Basto Outlets, in the middle of Los Angeles and Las Vegas. Medium-sized outlets, more than 40 mid-to-high-end brands in the United States gather here, more friendly to Chinese tourists, can use UnionPay cards, there are many Chinese services, is a good place for many Chinese tourists to "buy and buy".

    Posted: Mar 12, 2020
  • philipzk
    Original Text

    Basto Outlets is located in Basto, Nevada, not far from Las Vegas. This Ole is slightly smaller, with more brands mainly based on local fashion brands in the United States, and few European luxury brands. But the price is quite cheap.

    Posted: Jul 26, 2019
  • Eddies888
    Original Text

    The Barstow brand discount shopping city is very distinctive, large in scale, and the middle of the two-story building is an open-air leisure area. There are very internationally renowned clothing brands, the bottom 50% off, here is very comfortable to visit many favorite brand stores, bought a lot of products.

    Posted: Apr 30, 2016
  • philipzk


    Posted: Oct 20, 2017
  • Tiramisu8511

    奥特莱斯是美国畅销名牌集中的直销店,在美国的许多州都有连锁店。奥特莱斯被称为是购物者的天堂,在美国的风靡程度已经超出了我们的想象。去里面疯狂购物的大多都是中国人。感觉COACH是最受欢迎的品牌 在美国可以说是白菜价

    Posted: Jan 1, 2017
  • 本杰明

    巴斯托的奥特莱斯,算是常去了。例如奥特莱斯里的Coach、Michael Kors、Calvin Klein等。记得从前Calvin Klein翻译为卡尔文·克莱因,现在很多店家或年轻人等译为凯文克莱,也有译为凯文克林的。奥特莱斯,去得不算少,从前因为买衣服、皮带等用品,后来少去奥特莱斯买衣物了,但还是常去巴斯托的奥特莱斯。去巴斯托的奥特莱斯,主要由于每次从洛杉矶到拉斯维加斯,或从拉斯维加斯返回洛杉矶的路上,必停一下巴斯托。巴斯托,Barstow,一个蛮好听的名字。我自己译作“巴士头”,也有人叫“巴斯通”。有些人以为巴斯托已经在内华达州,或者接近内华达;其实巴斯托离内华达还有些距离,倒是内华达的拉斯维加斯离加州边境不算太远。但是从加州进入内华达州,过了巴斯托,几乎就开始翻山越岭,所以很多人从洛杉矶至拉斯维加斯的来回,总在巴斯托停一停,算中途休息。其实巴斯托不在洛杉矶至拉斯维加斯的中点,从洛杉矶到巴斯托,大概一小时四十分钟;而从巴斯托到拉斯维加斯,大概二小时四十分钟。在巴斯托停靠,从前总在巴斯托的奥特莱斯停车。巴斯托的那些名牌商店,当然就在巴斯托的奥特莱斯广场里。在广场里有几处盥洗间,所以经过巴斯托的游客,图方便就停车在奥特莱斯,顺便也就逛逛品牌店,当作休息。确实也巴斯托奥特莱斯中的店里买了些东西,从前买给自己,后来替朋友,再后来某些牌子算不得什么了,有些店也就只是逛逛。不过若干次经过这里,奥特莱斯的某些名牌店里常遇到折扣。看见来自中国的旅客,一批一批地在店里购物。奥特莱斯店里的销售人员,对华人,也比较热情,会微笑着用中文说:你好!欢迎!你好,再见!

    Posted: Apr 30, 2019
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