
Yeliseevskiy Gastronom Review

4.4 /572 Reviews
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Yeliseev Food Mall, right in the middle of Nevsky Avenue, was discovered by chance. The building where the food mall is located is antique, its second floor is a theater, and his window has very cute moving toys. At once attracted the eyes of passers-by, and many tourists took pictures in front of the window. After entering? I found that this is a world of candy and desserts, which makes the children extremely happy, even my aunt likes it very much. After a round, I really liked the environment so much, so I decided to stay for lunch. They had a special lunch package, which seemed to be only 600 rubles, including soup, staple food, dessert coffee. The waiters here speak English, and they are handsome and polite. The dining feeling is great and the service is great. In short, both locals and locals like to take a break here and have some coffee. This is a very lingering place.

Yeliseevskiy Gastronom

Posted: Sep 7, 2016
18 person liked this
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  • 花叔叔
    Original Text

    If you’ve been to St. Petersburg in Russia and Amsterdam in the Netherlands, you’ll definitely feel that these two cities look so much alike. As a mad admirer of Western European civilization, Peter the Great brought back the charming architecture and chic urban layout from the Netherlands, "re-engraved" another Amsterdam city on the Neva River. But he came back with him far more than that, a chance attempt at the banquet, let him unintentionally know the existence of potatoes, he felt that the plant native to the Americas tasted good, so "hands" brought them back. Nobody would have thought that Peter the Great's inadvertent move had greatly enriched the dining table of the citizens, and in Russia, there were more than 500 varieties of potatoes alone.

    Posted: Jul 28, 2020
  • 热爱生活0618
    Original Text

    The snack shop, which began in 1902, has a delicious macarons and other desserts, and a large number of imported desserts. There is also a small coffee bar in the store, and the basement is a restaurant with a variety of fresh hams and delicious red wine. When you come to St. Petersburg, you must buy some snacks here, and the decoration is definitely something you like.

    Posted: Jan 3, 2019
  • 热爱生活0618
    Original Text

    Not far from Pushkin Cafe, the corner of the intersection. We followed the navigation, and only saw a small door after we arrived. How could we not think of the most beautiful supermarket in Moscow (think of the door of the domestic supermarket). So I went to the alley again and saw how the navigation pointed to this, what? Open the door and see. It was fooled by the door again. Its founder is Grigori Grigorievich Yeliseyev, and the portrait above should be him. Russian historical names have Grigorny, the lovers of Yekaterina II, one of them Grigorny Grigornyevich Orlov, and the other Grigorny Alexandrovich Podgin. When watching "Ye Er", I heard that Grigori Grigori Grigori was almost aware of obsessive-compulsive disorder. After the October Revolution of 1917, the food store was nationalized, and Grigori moved to Paris. In 1920, it was renamed "National Food Store No. 1"

    Posted: Aug 31, 2018
  • jessicacqx
    Original Text

    There are indeed too many special foods for the Russian nation. Come to this professional market, all kinds of delicious food are not delicious, and you can find them if you are used to eating and not used to eating.

    Posted: Sep 3, 2022
  • D66***18
    Original Text

    In the famous Neva Street, the exterior decoration is very distinctive, very easy to find, the candy variety inside is very rich, there are exquisite cakes, and various hand letters, but the price is relatively high, a piece of cake price is about 20-30 RMB, the taste is sweet.

    Posted: May 7, 2016
  • peterpange
    Original Text

    The food is full of cute and makes people move their index fingers. It is also very pleasant to sit outside and eat ice cream and snacks to see the street view. The ice cream milk tastes pure and not sweet, the taste is meticulous, it is recommended to try!

    Posted: Jan 26, 2017
  • 沐雨星晨

    著名的叶利谢耶夫食品店(Eliseyeeff Emporium)18世纪末建立,是一家大型零售及娱乐中心,建成于1902-1903年,并成为新艺术风格建筑最引人注目的典范,以前这里曾是一个文学沙龙,普希金等文化名人经常来这里聚会,后来,商人叶利谢耶夫于1901年,将这里改建成了食品商场。内部装修非常豪华,前苏联时期这里被称为“美食家食品商店”。

    Posted: Dec 24, 2016
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