Night Attractions
Night Attractions
Top 1 Night Attractions

Popular Night Attractions in Bali - 2024

Updated Apr 2024
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    1944 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 1096 reviews
    "very attractive beach in Bali. The beauty of this beach lies in the soft white sand and stunning sea views."
    14.7km from downtown
    Highlights: Jimbaran Beach is famous for its spectacular sunsets. The endless ocean seems to swallow the sun whole, before the horizon glows with twilight’s embers. The transience of day’s journey into night is magical. In addition to the famous seascapes, the open-air seafood stalls are a major attraction. Enjoy a candlelit seafood dinner while admiring the sunset. Then walk once more along this beachfront paradise.
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What are some Night Attractions in Bali?
Some Night Attractions in Bali include:Jimbaran Beach
What are some highly-rated Night Attractions in Bali?
Some highly-rated Night Attractions in Bali include:Jimbaran Beach:4.5
At what locations in Bali can Night Attractions in Bali be found?
The Night Attractions in Bali are mainly located in:Jimbaran Beach:Bali