Spring Outings
Spring Outings
Top 2 Spring Outings

Popular Spring Outings in Dongying - 2024

Updated Apr 2024
  • top_1
    420 Review
    "This should be the largest and most worthwhile attraction in Guangrao County. It is suitable for all ages. There are lanterns and various performances during the New Year, which is quite attractive. Playing amusement facilities during the day, watching performances and lanterns at night, the Spring Festival atmosphere is very strong."
    47.4km from downtown
    Highlights: Located in Chengdong New District of Guangrao County, the Sun Tzu Cultural Park is listed in the "Four-Batch" key dispatch and promotion projects of the efficient ecological economic area of the Yellow River Delta and the blue economic zone of Shandong Peninsula. The cultural park, built based on Sun Wu Lake, fully integrates the surroundings and focuses on shaping the beauty of harmony and ecology. It is a boutique area emphasizing Sun Tzu culture and providing a base for passing on and promoting culture.
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  • top_2
    140 Review
    "The first phase of the forest park is located south of Gengjing Water Source, north of Wugan Canal, east of West 1st Road, and west of the sinking pool of Gengjing Reservoir. The total area of the plan is 1620 mu, and the total investment estimate is million yuan. The first phase of the park planning structure adopts the structural framework of "one axis, one lake, one island, and eight areas", and the main activity area is located on the west side of the park, and the ecological health area on the east side is transitioned from movement to static; The overall space takes the main island in the center of the artificial lake as the visual center, relying on the surface of the lake, forming a complete peregrine system, and forming a circular motor vehicle road network in the park. The theme of the forest park is "urban green heart", and plant varieties and biomes suitable for the natural climate conditions of the Yellow River Delta are planted in the park. Through the construction of large forests, sports venues, hydrophilic platforms, etc., to provide citizens with close to nature and leisure and play space, the green space rate of the entire park is 64.8%, releases 180 tons of oxygen per day, absorbs 270 tons of carbon dioxide, which is a veritable natural oxygen bar. The forest soil plants play a role in the dispersion, delay and filtering of the surface runoff, realize water and soil conservation, and conserve the water source of the city water source."
    11km from downtown
    Highlights: Dongying Forest Park is located to the north of Naner Road, south of Gengjing Reservoir, east of Xiyi Road, and west of Lancui Lake, with a planned total area of 5,000 mu and a total investment of 700 million yuan. The landscape structure of the park is based on the forest park in the city, and the main means of landscaping with rich plants is to create the core scenic spot of "eight scenes and six gardens". The greening rate of the entire park is 64.8%. In addition to the function of the city's natural oxygen bar, there are also tennis courts, basketball courts and other venues in the forest park, providing free leisure places for citizens, which can be described as both viewing and fitness.
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What are some Spring Outings in Dongying?
Some Spring Outings in Dongying include:Sun Tzu Cultural Park|Dongying Forest Park
What are some highly-rated Spring Outings in Dongying?
Some highly-rated Spring Outings in Dongying include:Sun Tzu Cultural Park:4.2|Dongying Forest Park:4.7
At what locations in Dongying can Spring Outings in Dongying be found?
The Spring Outings in Dongying are mainly located in:Sun Tzu Cultural Park:Guangrao|Dongying Forest Park:Dongying