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Popular Performances in Kunming - 2024

Catch the best live performances in Kunming! Enjoy world-class acts and unforgettable shows.
Updated Jun 2024
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    2020 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 300 reviews
    ""Yunnan Image" is Yang Lijuan as the general director, the quality of the production is really high, whether it is the main story line, program arrangement, plot interspersing, song and dance quality, or the stage set, sound effects, can let me very invested, emotional integration into, resonate, There are even links that make me cry. I am constantly moved and attracted by the culture of ethnic minorities in my heart. I even think learning the culture of so many ethnic groups is also an interesting and meaningful thing. For example, Yi people or which ethnic group loves drumming, it turned out to be a cult of male root culture, they think the drum hammer is a man, the drum face is a woman, they worship the sun. They also see different forms of drums, different dances, different songs, different ways of celebrating ethnic minorities. For example, no matter which ethnic group of various changes of formation dance, but will be around a circle, I wonder, whether this celebration or worship, circle is a ritual or symbol of God. Although I have seen so many performances in places, this is not the first in my heart, but it is definitely worth recommending. The first in my heart is the "Princess Wencheng" seen by Lhasa. The real scene is incomparable, and the story makes me cry. Unlike, that is big and magnificent, this is small and exquisite."
    Kunming.First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University/Pan Jia Wan
    950m from downtown
    Highlights: The performance "Images of Yunnan" was directed by the famous dancer Yang Liping, and brings together an integration of nature, song and dance, showcasing the rich culture of Yunnan. Many of the actors in "Yunnan Yingxiang" are minorities from various villages throughout Yunnan, wearing costumes decorated according to the customs of diverse nationalities.
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What are some Performances in Kunming?
Some Performances in Kunming include:Dynamic Yunnan
What are some highly-rated Performances in Kunming?
Some highly-rated Performances in Kunming include:Dynamic Yunnan:4.7
At what locations in Kunming can Performances in Kunming be found?
The Performances in Kunming are mainly located in:Dynamic Yunnan:Kunming