Family-friendly Attractions
Family-friendly Attractions
Top 1 Family-friendly Attractions

Popular Family-friendly Attractions in Pingtang - 2024

Updated Apr 2024
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    4216 Review
    "The large pot lid is not allowed to bring electronic equipment, which will affect equipment observation. It is recommended to buy a disposable film camera to shoot by yourself. Because there are too many people queuing to take pictures, I waited for almost an hour to visit the museum in the town. It is still very interesting."
    45.2km from downtown
    Highlights: The Tianyan telescope is located in Pingtang County, Guizhou Province. In addition to the radio telescope, the visitor site also features a museum and a planetarium. A viewing platform provides a 360-degree view over the telescope, which is the size of nearly 30 soccer fields. You can also visit the Astronomical Experience Hall and Tianxiang Cinema to broaden your astronomical knowledge.
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What are some Family-friendly Attractions in Pingtang?
Some Family-friendly Attractions in Pingtang include:Tianyan Telescope
What are some highly-rated Family-friendly Attractions in Pingtang?
Some highly-rated Family-friendly Attractions in Pingtang include:Tianyan Telescope:4.4
At what locations in Pingtang can Family-friendly Attractions in Pingtang be found?
The Family-friendly Attractions in Pingtang are mainly located in:Tianyan Telescope:Pingtang