
Best Restaurants in June in Gu'an (Updated 2024)

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1 Reviews
THB618Hunan Cuisine
候鸟的梦想Friends who come to live in Gu'an have a small stay. Friends strongly recommend this Xiaoxiang Mansion. Sure enough, it is very good 😊 located in the Peacock City Great Lake Park. The park has a beautiful environment, unique decoration in the store, and a comfortable dining environment. The sofa in the lobby is scattered. Catch up with the store to do activities in the review, each person will give a large stewed white fungus Sydney lotus seed red date soup. The menu is thick and the style of the dishes includes the north and south flavors. |Sour radish fried field snail ^~ rare local flavor dishes. The sour radish is crispy, the field snail meat feels like water, more chewy, and the taste is sour and sweet. | Oily scallops ^ After lard infiltrating and roasting, the smoky scallop tastes very strong. The scallops are soft, slightly spicy and fragrant, and the taste is topped. Heated with candles. |Small fried yellow beef ^ beef slices fried slightly dehydrated, but the taste is very tender, a few coriander stalks add a unique aroma. The entrance level is rich. Heated with candles. |Health Hakka tofu ^ The ingredients are very rich and cost-effective. The upper layer of tofu is salmon, crab sticks and shrimp. The fried tofu is farmhouse brine tofu, and there is actually a layer of rotten waist-shaped soy beans on the bottom. One guest tofu a variety of ingredients taste, layer by layer. | Boutique roast duck^ two plates of roast duck meat, one marinade, one cage of duck cake. Skinny roast duck, crispy duck skin, soft duck meat, conscience price. Since friends are frequent visitors here, seeing friends come again, the manager on the first floor also politely sent a fruit plate. The first time I came to Xiaoxiangfu for dinner, I felt that the biggest feature was that everyone could find their favorite dishes. And the warm service also left a deep impression.