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21830 Restaurant and Bar, Port Arthur

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Knight RiderFacing the Port Arthur Prison Scenery Restaurant, the Ghost Tour began with more than 1,000 people dying in Port Arthur's 47-year history. Some say the souls of the deceased never left. Indeed, many documented ghost stories since 1870 have been related to Port Arthur. Since then, many people have experienced events here beyond what is known to them, which has cast a strange veil over Port Arthur. Because of this strangeness, so many soul-show events, multidimensional overlapping events, the manager of Port Arthur Historic Site (Port Arthur Historic Site), designed a route called the "Ghost Tour" for the evening time, led by a guide dressed in a medieval black robe, Hiking with a lantern lighting should be tortuously walk two kilometers around the huge park. The journey after entering the night is called Nightly after dark tour, the adult ticket for the night tour is 27 Australian dollars, if it includes dinner, it is 80 Australian dollars, the price is not low. The dinner includes an appetizer and a main course, with fresh seasonal produce from local growers and producers, and a glass of Tasmanian wine, beer or soft drink. It sounds like two good, it really tastes a lot, it tastes quite good, there are soup, vegetables, clams, steaks, shrimps, etc. The prison began in 1830, and the restaurant's name is 1830. It opens every night at 4 pm (except Christmas), and food is served at 5 pm. Sitting by the window in the evening, I could see panoramic views of the prison, gardens and courtyards under the sunset, and I knew nothing of the ruins in front of me. 1830 Restaurant & bar Ghost Tour fare: AUD 80 per person for two dishes, excluding meals for adults 27, children 15, families 75, children under 17 must be accompanied by adults