Best Restaurants in June in Huangguoshu Waterfalls Scenic Area (Updated 2024)

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9Huangguoshu Bailian Hotel Restaurant Waterfall

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SilenceskysStaying at Huangguoshu Bailian Hotel, the more depressed is that just after the appointment of the room, there is a package with 800 yuan dining quota. The price is the same. The difference is that I have an appointment with a dinner. According to the price of the waterfall, it is obvious that 800 quotas will be more comfortable to eat. Because the package sent is a 6-course, the amount is not large, and the second is a strange combination of Chinese and Western styles. Although I am still full in the end, it is definitely not as good as ordering food. .Waterfall as the only restaurant in Bailian, the environment is quite good. You can enter from the lobby or tea room terrace. The area is large. The long bar and floor-to-ceiling windows will be reminiscent of the previous hotels such as Qishang and Optics Valley Hyatt. The atmosphere is beautiful. Outside the window is the outdoor hot spring area of Bailian. In addition, each table will have different floral layouts, very exquisite and elegant, very in line with the positioning of luxury hotels, the meal is in the sunset, the waiter will also take the initiative to put down the nearby curtains to block the light, in the service is still in line with the standard. .Let's comment on the dishes below: .1⃣,|Caviar Hot Spring Egg ^Recommended Index: 4🌟. The selling is good, the ingredients are also in place, the top squid and mint leaves are embellished, the following can not be called hot spring eggs, more accurately said is the poached eggs with red wine juice, and below is a piece of French foie gras, Then sugar stained apple slices to the bottom, poached egg fire is good, foie gras texture is slightly worse, not enough fat and tender, the biggest problem is still seasoning, the sweetness of red wine juice is too high and salty, in fact, more caviar can solve. .2⃣,|Rosemary Snowflake Steak ^Recommended Index:3.5🌟. In fact, it is a piece of about m3 level of western cold fried with black pepper juice, the heat is general, not juicy but the oil is still abundant, rosemary flavor is not prominent but black pepper is very strong, the sauce made by yourself is not semi-finished. .3⃣,|Thick soup radish burst ribs^Recommended index:3.5🌟. The ribs are not good, there are too many broken bones, the two kinds of radish are very transparent, the soup is rich and mellow, except for slightly salty, there is nothing wrong with it, it should be very good to bring bibimbap, but there is no rice in the package. .4⃣,|Bamboo dumpling chicken (bit)^Recommended index:4.5🌟. Anshun's must-eat dishes are here. I have not encountered bad food after eating several meals. The selection of chicken is still good. The chicken is about a year old. The meat is tight and the soup is delicious. .5⃣,|Tomato Beef Pasta ^Recommended Index: 4🌟. The hot weather of the noodles is good, the meat sauce is strong, the sour taste is appetizing, and I am also willing to put cheese. .6⃣,|Passion fruit mousse ^ recommendation index: 3🌟. The plate is still very good-looking, but in addition to fresh fruit, the main body of the mousse taste is general, the passion fruit elements have not been well reflected, and the agliding powder is too much, the taste is more like jelly, lack of light texture. . I made an appointment with the hotel sales. I didn’t tell me that I would have a new package when I made an appointment (the reservation was made that night), which caused this stay to fail to experience the level of Chinese food in the hotel. Some regrets, the price of Chinese food is quite cheap in several Bailian, but unfortunately the pictures are limited and there is no place to put the menu. If you stay in the hotel, there is no problem eating at the hotel. #Local food to eat #These hotel views are awesome #Hotel stay addictive