Takeo city Library
Takeo city Library
Takeo city Library
Takeo city Library

Photos of Takeo city Library

Takeo City, Saga Prefecture, famous for its hot springs, cooperated with Toriya Bookstore to transform the original municipal library into a Takeo City Library that combines library, bookstore and coffee shop. More people are immersed in the scholarly world. After reopening in April 2013, the museum has set a record of 260,000 visitors within three months of its opening, which is five times the local population. Rather than a library, the elevated space, stylish design, a variety of books and audio-visual CDs, and even a café are more like a composite bookstore. In cooperation with TSUTAYA, one of the most beautiful bookstores in the world, in addition to retaining the original functions of the library (such as book lending, reading room, audio-visual room, etc.) Enhance lighting, add iPad rental services, set up a dedicated reading area for audio-visual devices, etc. At the same time, the elements of bookstores and DVD rental shops are also added, so that people who come to the Takeo City Library can not only borrow books, but also buy their favorite books and rental CDs. In order to avoid confusion, the book display area is The black and white color is divided into sales and borrowing; and considering the busyness of modern people, a mechanism has also been set up that can be returned at the TSUTAYA branch after renting a DVD in the library. Not only that, there is also a coffee shop in the library, where you can While reading a book, sipping coffee, there are also limited-edition merchandise in the museum.

Reviews on Takeo city Library

佐贺必打卡| 壮观又文艺的武雄图书馆,一定不能错过!佐贺有很
佐贺必打卡| 壮观又文艺的武雄图书馆,一定不能错过!佐贺有很多必打卡地,武雄图书馆就是其中之一!尤其如果你要去嬉野温泉的话,顺道去一趟更值哦!从佐贺去嬉野温泉必须要经过武雄温泉站,出站后沿着导航走不到10分钟就到了。⁉️要说武雄图书馆为什么这么有名呢?1️⃣是因为它很大,从外形看很壮观!长条形分布,上下两层,一面摆放着图书(正对图书馆右侧),另一面有一些展览(正对图书馆左侧),很适合参观。2️⃣书店里有一家很有特色的星巴克,很多人其实不是来打卡图书馆的,而是专门来买咖啡的,而且店里有特供的口味哦,Honey Coffee,只是我们买了平时喝的拿铁,所以不是很清楚味道,应该也很好喝!3️⃣图书馆很安静,买杯咖啡,从书架上拿本书,找个位置坐下来,度过一个充实的下午很是惬意!4️⃣图书馆很适合拍照哦!无论是入口处还是书架间,只要不打扰到别人,不制造噪音,都可以随意来拍。‼️关于拍照,分享一个比较有意思的细节。因为在书店拍照会影响其他人,但很多人又忍不住要拍照,所以书店在入口左手处就设置了一个拍照区,注明这个区域可以拍照(当然取景点设置的不错,可以拍照整个长条形的图书长廊),而且注明不要蹲下来拍照,要站着拍照。是不是很贴心!‼️最重要的信息来啦:✅景点名称:武雄图书馆⏰营业时间:9:00-21:00

Attractions Near Takeo city Library

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Couple Cypress (Meoto Hinoki) - Matching God Tree
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