Best Restaurants in June in Zhoushan (Updated 2024)

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10 Reviews
观四时美景Writing in the front: Zhoushan in early August, the fishing ban period is over, and the tourist season is about to usher in. Come to Zhoushan to eat seafood without stepping on the pit has a great impact on the travel experience. Although I am not a native of Zhoushan, but because I often come to play when I am young, I often take friends from all over the world to Zhoushan to play when I grow up, so I think I know what specialties Zhoushan has, and what local practices are suitable for the tastes of friends in different regions. So here is mainly to share with friends from all over the Zhoushan seafood fast guide, according to personal circumstances to choose less pits. If there is any wrong or missing writing, welcome all indigenous and Zhoushan tourists to correct and supplement the entry list: mainly for friends who eat spicy food inland, Zhoushan's traditional seafood may be too light for you. Former Zhoushan people may think that spicy seafood is blasphemous, as shocked as pineapple pizza to Italians. Now Haina is full of rivers, and occasionally some peppers are put. Friends who eat spicy province suggest to try the slightly heavier seasoning of spicy fried, home roast, braised, scallion oil and other flavors first. The seafood variety does not matter. You don't need to pick very expensive ones, so as not to feel unworthy if you are not used to eating, and it may hurt the heart of the enthusiastic boss. Of course, it is also possible to bring your own chili sauce, just don't be Zhoushan people's face. If you can experience the beauty of seafood, you can move to the top of the list. Advanced list: seafood lovers directly advance the list without explaining, friends who eat spicy province to this step congratulations on opening the door of the new world, what is "the most high-end ingredients often only need the most simple cooking method", fresh seafood steaming, burning is their highest respect, The most exciting and sweet flavor. You can choose more expensive ones, such as various fresh sea fish and snails, snails and other snails. YYDS list: fried rice noodles! The best way to fried rice on both sides! I have never seen anyone say it is not delicious! I have never seen a dream from childhood to big! Must eat every time! Close your eyes and don't go wrong! Sweat crab! You can not eat other crabs in Zhoushan, and the crab must eat! The crab season has arrived! Please leave the budget to it! Be sure to pick live, and you have to pinch your buttocks without hollowing! Yellowfish! I could not catch it once, but now it is expensive! If you see a live, please leave the budget to it! Steaming and pickles are delicious! No need to list: no need to say, look at the picture reader welfare tips: 1. recommend several stores: original original taste: cheap and good, integrated practices, not easy to make mistakes. Small fish restaurant: traditional old store, local characteristics, fried rice noodles are delicious. Suiyuan Noodle Restaurant: In the old town of Shenjiamen, similar to Mala Tang-style a la carte, salmon and red shrimp forced 2. Seafood options: abalone oyster lobster king crab treasure crab and other places Hema saw most of them are breeding, not Zhoushan specialties, not recommended. Recommended seafood including but not limited to: yellowfish with squid, squid, flower, sea bass, shrimp, shrimp, shuttle crab, light vegetables (green mouth shellfish) blood, hair, silver shrimp... Finally, I wish you all a happy meal! If you feel useful to ask for a small praise, you can't be grateful for a little attention #Local food to eat #My late night canteen #Local specialty snacks