
Hokkaido 8 days plan during Winter - Part 1

Day 3 - T JR TRAIN to Noboribetsu (7:30am, 8:30am) 2.45 hours - Super Hakuto - We took a taxi to Date Jidaimura Noboribetsu 登別伊達時代村 0900-1600 (Adults - 2900, Child - 1500) from Noboribetsu train station - not much to play here, but a different experience for me - We then checked in hotel, and walk out again to the Jigokudani (Hell Valley) 登別地獄谷, Walk around Noboribetsu Onsen dori Yuzawa Shrine 湯澤神社, 閻魔堂, - We had dinner buffet and onsen back in the hotel. Very nice hotel to recommend indeed Day 4 - After breakfast in the hotel, took a taxi to the train station and headed to Sapporo Station (as early as possible) - in Sapporo station, we look for the luggage locker to put our luggage and then headed to Yoichi Station - Yoichi - short walking distance to the Yoichi Nikka Distrillery - ニッカウヰスキー 北海道工場 余市蒸溜所, Japan, 〒046-0003 Hokkaido, 余市郡余市町黒川町7−6(with FREE sampling) and we had our lunch here. - after lunch, we took JR Train To Otaru Minami Station (the train to otaru is an hour apart, plan your time well to catch the train, always crowded here during winter), Walk along two rows of shops to Otaru Music Box Museum Main Building 小樽オルゴール堂, Marchen Square, Le Tao Main store (cheese tart), 小樽 水天宮, Kitaichi Glass Otaru(北一硝子), Yukijirushi Parlor Otaru Shop 雪印パーラー 小樽店 (ice cream), Otaru Canal 小樽運河 (night view) - JR Train from Otaru Station to Sapporo (every 30 mins)
Posted: Jan 18, 2023
Hoaban mao
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Kitaichi Glass Otaru

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