
Hydro Attack Review

5 /56 Reviews
Original Text
When you come to Queenstown, you have the opportunity to try this shark submarine, which is like a shark, can be very free, up and down, and very fast. It feels like a free fish to shuttle freely across the lake, and it's really different.

Hydro Attack

Posted: Apr 22, 2019
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  • coo***an
    Original Text

    Wow! My wife and I had a water strike. These boats looked like small shark-like submarines. They squeezed in and out to hold two, the pilot in front and the passenger in the back. The ride of these high-speed boats is amazing, they accelerate so fast that they can lie sideways and navigate underwater. The highlight is when the boat jumps underwater, then dives quickly, then turns upward and jumps out of Walter. Landing is not difficult. The cockpit has a closed feel but can be opened a few times for fresh air. Felt a little uneasy afterward, but worth the amazing experience for it. Would recommend to anyone who needs an adrenaline fix, both me and my wife did, we were both in the mid-70s.

    Posted: Jun 18, 2020
  • juki235
    Original Text

    This is a unique shark boat in Queenstown, this submarine can only accommodate one person, very much like a shark in the sea, even fish tails and fins. The submarine can fly on the water quickly, or plunge into the sea, free to drive like a fish. Its operation is very simple, on the shore as long as simple training can be used, really fun, it is recommended to try it.

    Posted: Oct 7, 2019
  • juki235
    Original Text

    The shark boat is very interesting, it is actually a small submarine, shaped like a shark. You can drive it fast on the lake, or cover the hatch, dive about ten meters deep, super powerful. But the price is more expensive, and it costs about $100 for half an hour.

    Posted: Mar 1, 2018
  • pxy0705


    Posted: Jul 22, 2018
  • 小菜君

    皇后镇超刺激的鲨鱼汽艇🔥妻子的浪漫旅行同款💃 看过综艺节目「妻子的浪漫旅行2」的朋友都知道,在旅行中,谢娜等一众明星在皇后镇体验了惊险刺激的Hydro Attack鲨鱼水艇 💦。正巧今年9月我也体验了这个项目,在此和大家分享。 💦【游玩亮点】💦✨体验水上酷炫潜跃快飙✨一人一艇,一对一服务✨可个性化调整刺激程度 😎【游玩经历】😎🚤鲨鱼汽艇Hydro Attack直译为“水攻汽艇”,总感觉怪怪的。和工作人员简单说了说中文翻译问题,对方还让我教他们如何说“国庆快乐”。 💰我是提前在iTrip上预定的,如果是现场支付可以通过支付宝,银联等移动支付。鲨鱼汽艇基本上每10-15分钟出发一次,最多同时两人一起出发(两艘船),可以在瓦卡提普湖面来一场竞速比赛。 ❗️每个鲨鱼汽艇颜色不同,拥有自己的独特名字。每艘船除驾驶员外只容纳一位乘客一路可以根据你的感受调节刺激程度。一般驾驶员会用“缓和”模式开到半途,然后询问你觉得刺激与否。之后根据游客的需求保持“缓和”模式或切换到“激烈”模式。我选择的是“激烈”模式,感觉还能接受。 👍鲨鱼快艇水上行驶速度可达80km/h,水下潜行速度可达40 km/h。可跃出水面6米之高,潜入水下2米。全程体验很有意思,忽而湖面飞速前行,忽而侧身倾斜,忽而钻入湖底,忽而飞出湖面,虽然刺激感稍微欠缺了一点,但全程很享受。结束后我额外购买了视频和照片,感觉物超所值,强烈建议大家购买。 我觉得这个鲨鱼汽艇独到之处就是:首先每人一艇,不会因为位置或角度问题带来不同的体验,想想我买的Shotover JET里照片和视频都被驾驶员挡上就心痛;其次可以和驾驶员沟通决定游玩的刺激程度,这样不管是老人孩子还是寻求刺激的年轻人都可以各取所需。 👏【鲨鱼快艇小档案】👏📍地点:皇后镇码头,靠近网红冰激凌PATAGONIA处💰价格:130纽币左右⏰运营时间:08:00-18:00(夏季),09:30-17:00(冬季),每小时3个班次⏰游玩时间:30分钟 👇【注意事项】👇1.游玩体验时需要带上配备的耳机保护耳朵2.游艇里会少量进水,一般选择脱鞋后进入船舱体验

    Posted: Dec 16, 2019