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Jul 2024 Related to "Montreal"

All you need to know before you go: Canada entry requirements

All you need to know before you go: Canada entry requirements

With many countries now having eased the COVID-19 restrictions, travelling between countries would be easier and more convenient gradually. For travellers who enter Canada since October 1, 2022, below is the latest entry information that we have collected.

Oct 20, 2023
Beyond Vancouver: the best of Toronto and Montréal (plus easy ways to get there)

Beyond Vancouver: the best of Toronto and Montréal (plus easy ways to get there)

When most Aussies think of Canada, they imagine snow-capped mountains, adrenaline fuelled sports and evenings spent sipping hot chocolate by the fireplace. While there’s no doubt that Banff and Lake Louise should be on your Canadian adventure, a trip to Canada would not be complete without a visit to Toronto and Montréal.

Apr 22, 2022
Best International Travel Destinations for Those on a Budget

Best International Travel Destinations for Those on a Budget

International travel often seems maddeningly out of reach. Friends seems to be constantly posting on social media about magnificent tropical vacations spent at lush island resorts. If you’ve even wondered (or fumed) how it was possible, there’s a secret you’re probably not aware of just yet. International travel need not be prohibitively expensive. With the right combination of airfare hunting and budget-friendly destinations, you too can have an incredible time abroad. We’ve done some of the heavy lifting for you and profiled these 20 international destinations we think offer great experiences without the corresponding risk you’ll need to refinance your home to afford them. These are our recommendations for the best international travel destinations for those on a budget.

Jul 30, 2020 group
SkyscannerTrip is part of Group Limited, one of the world's leading providers of travel services.