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Find cheap and direct return flight tickets from Perth to Boolgeeda.

Searching for the best last minute flight from Perth to Boolgeeda? Find one-way or return flights that are affordable and fit your itinerary.

  • One way
  • Return

Crossed out prices are calculated based on the average price of the corresponding route on Trip.com.

Searching for the best last minute flight from Perth to Boolgeeda? Find one-way or return flights that are affordable and fit your itinerary.

Trip.com monitors the ticket fares of flights from Perth to Boolgeeda. Stay updated on price trends and snag the best deals for your upcoming trip.

Displayed prices are calculated based on the cheapest average weekly prices of the corresponding route on Trip.com.

How do I find the cheapest flights?

  • When are flight from Perth (PER) to Boolgeeda (OCM) the cheapest?

    Airlines adjust prices for flights from Perth to Boolgeeda based on the date and time of your booking. By analyzing data from all airlines, on Trip.com, you can find the lowest flight prices on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays.
  • How long is the flights from Perth (PER) to Boolgeeda (OCM)?

    It takes about 2 hours 15 minutes to fly from Perth (PER) to Boolgeeda (OCM).
  • What are the most popular airlines that fly from Perth (PER) to Boolgeeda (OCM)?

    Airlines with flights from Perth (PER) to Boolgeeda (OCM): Virgin Australia.
  • How many airports in Boolgeeda (OCM)?

    There are 1 airport(s) in Boolgeeda (OCM): Boolgeeda Airport.

How to find a cheap flight from Perth to Boolgeeda

Wait until the last minute and flight costs are often sky-high. Plan ahead, book the right way, and your savings can soar. We have loads of saving tips to help you find a cheap flight from Perth to Boolgeeda. Book your flights at the right time and save more.
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Flight Information from Perth to Boolgeeda

Flight distance


Average flight time

2 hours 15 minutes
Flight from Perth (PER) to Boolgeeda (OCM)

Boolgeeda is situated in Western Australia. It is a city filled with the charm of nature. Boolgeeda is a beautiful place with many different natural attractions. You can find many shopping malls, theme parks in Boolgeeda. There are three ways to visit Boolgeeda, by plane, by bus or by car. The fastest way to reach Boolgeeda from Perth is through the flight. There is a direct flight from Perth Airport to Boolgeeda Airport, which takes 1 hour 50 minutes.

Tip: March to April is an excellent time to visit Boolgeeda, at this time the crowd will be less, and you will get some good discounts.

Getting to Boolgeeda

Boolgeeda Airport is an airport that serves the Brockman 4 mine in Australia. It is a private airport in Western Australia, operated by Hamersley Iron Pty Ltd. The passenger terminal provides different services to the travellers. The Airway, Virgin Australia, is the only airline operating in Boolgeeda. It offers flights to Perth, Geraldton, Busselton and Albany cities.

The direct flight to Boolgeeda from Perth is operated by Virgin Australia airlines. The average time taken to travel from Perth to Boolgeeda is 1 hour 50 minutes, and the total distance travelled is 1053 km. Perth to Boolgeeda flights is many. Approximately 12 flights per week are flying to Boolgeeda from Perth. There is excellent connectivity from OCM airport. You can reach the city from OCM airport by taking a shuttle bus, cabs, Uber and other taxi services.

Tip: You can visit the airline's website to find the seat map and select the best seat. The best days would usually be Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays to book the flights when you will get great prices on ticket bookings.

Things to do in Boolgeeda

Boolgeeda is a beautiful place in Western Australia. You can visit many different places in Boolgeeda, as it has many natural attractions. The transportation is effortless in Boolgeeda. The city is connected to the bus station and train station,that helps you to reach any place in the city easily. You can visit museums, churches and cathedrals. You can even visit sports and activity places to make your Boolgeeda trip adventurous. You will also find unforgettable cultural and wildlife encounters, exquisite food and drink and vibrant events in Boolgeeda.

Tip: Take the local tour package through a travel agency to travel around the city.

Accommodation in Boolegeeda

Boolgeeda offers accommodation to all budgets of people. If you are focusing on the price-performance ratio, Boolgeeda also has more budget hotels. And if you are on a business trip, you can choose among many different star hotels. It has many kinds of accommodation facilities. The hotels in bootlegged are well equipped with all the facilities, like sports activities and more. Many people travel to Boolgeeda for business or personal reasons. Choose your accommodation as per your need.

Tip: Plan your accommodation type and book your hotel in advance to avoid the last-minute rush.

Before Perth-Boolgeeda flight booking, compare the prices online, to get cheap flights from Perth to Boolgeeda.

If you are a nature lover, then Boolgeeda is the best place for you to visit. Plan your trip to Boolgeeda with Trip.com and experience the high-level comforts.