Shirley Zhu.

Wrzburg is known as Little Prague. This bridge is naturally a replica of the Charles Bridge. Old Main Bridge Alte Mainbrucke was built in 1473-1543. In order to save maintenance costs, the wood was arched in stone in 1512. on. During the Baroque period, the bridge gates and towers were demolished. Around 1730, the typical 4.5-meter-high Baroque saint statue was refurbished. Although the old bridge was badly damaged in the bombing in 1945, it has been repaired. It is now a pedestrian bridge, from which you can see not only the Marion Castle, the grape fields on the hills, the clear waters of the beautiful rivers, but also the spires of the churches in the old town of Wrzburg, Wrzburg. The most beautiful scenery. I always thought that the people on the market square were already the highest in Wrzburg. When we arrived at Main Bridge, we were really scared. The most densely populated place was on this century-old bridge. Its not too much to shoulder! On the same day, there were many mobile stalls selling crafts and ornaments on the old bridge of Maine, tourists who stopped to shop, and Germans who used the side rails as a wine table, which made it not too wide. The bridge is more crowded. If there is a lot of time, you can actually walk down the bridge along the river, or sit on a bench by the river to see the scenery. It is very pleasant. Vehicles and bicycles on the bridge can pass, but there are very few vehicles, so everyone is running around on both sides. At 4 or 5 in the afternoon, the bar at the bridgehead is a crowd of people. Everyone raises a glass of wine and chats at the entrance of the bistro, or standing on the edge of the bridge and drinking and watching the distance is really an enviable life. To be honest, the most beautiful angle to see the fortress is on the bridge. This type of fortress castle on the mountain must be kept at a distance, leaving enough visual space to see its awkward momentum. Otherwise, if you really get a fortress, you will understand what the ancients said is "only in this mountain."
Posted: Jun 19, 2019
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Old Main Bridge

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