Photos of Puerto Princesa

Puerto Princesa, also known as Puerto Princesa, is a port city in the east-central part of Palawan Island, Philippines. It is located on the south coast of Honda Bay and is the capital of Palawan Province. Famous for features such as crocodile farming, underground rivers, and diving spots. Puerto Princesa is the starting point for visiting Palawan and a transit point for visiting other places in Palawan. For example, if you want to go to the Grand Bay and the Underground River National Park in central Palawan (PuertoPrincesaSubter-raneanRiverNationalPark) are from Departs from Puerto Princesa. But the port city itself is worth a visit, and some of Puerto Princesa's famous tourist attractions include: Palawan Museum, Palawan Butterfly Garden, Palawan Wildlife Rescue and Conservation Center, and Iwahig Prison and Laogai Farm.

Reviews on Puerto Princesa

如果预定岛上酒店,会有提供免费的接送服务;也可以报一日游的团。岛上只有一家酒店Dos Palmas (按酒店名字搜索官网预定),约70余间客房,全是别墅客房。别墅沿岛一侧排开,岛上其他部分保持原生态,丛林遍布。上岛后,基本与世隔绝了。Wifi只在岛中央的接待中心才提供。为了节约电源,客房每天上午和下午各有一小时停水停电。在这里,终于放下了手机,春节抢红包告一段落。这里宁静,遥远,仿佛到了天边。在海滩上躺下来,潜意识里终于和繁华的现代社会,发达的网络电讯拉开了距离,大脑开始空白。岛上最大的活动是水上运动。如果你是个划船的好手,那你可以划着橡皮船绕岛航行。岛四周的海水很浅,甚至很多次,我们要跳到水中推搁浅的船。当我们渐渐地滑着船,离岸越来越远,居然内心没有一丝的惊慌与胆怯,因为水越来越清澈了,奇妙的景象越于眼前。三五成群的飞鱼,列队越过海面,像我们小时候玩的砸水漂,一跃而过。甚至有几只飞鱼几乎要曾到我的脸。只能用眼睛去记录这一刻。世界真的很奇妙!岛上每个一小时,便有一班船载游客们去海里的悬浮亭浮潜。去海岛玩还是要会游泳才有更多乐趣。只要克服对水的恐惧,穿上救生衣,带上浮潜的面罩,把头潜入水中,便可以看到一个水中的世界。在公主港去了几个浮潜的地方,此岛周围的珊瑚、岩石是最丰富的,如同一个水下宫殿。希望下次能用防水相机拍些美图。岛上的饮食没有太多选择,只能在酒店的餐厅。晚餐自助还包含早餐,一人100RMB的样子,也很实惠。新年的那晚,酒店特意换上了红色的桌布,挂上了小灯笼。还举办了一场载歌载舞的晚会及盛大的烟火。

Attractions Near Puerto Princesa

LifeChurch : Home Of Champions
LifeChurch : Home Of Champions
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PINE TREE SPA (massage)
PINE TREE SPA (massage)
3/51 Reviews
Tom's World - Robinsons Palawan
Tom's World - Robinsons Palawan
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Restaurants Near Puerto Princesa

Matiz Restaurant & Tapas Bar
Matiz Restaurant & Tapas Bar
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Ling Nam
Ling Nam
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Other Chinese Cuisine
Kalui Seafood Restaurant
Kalui Seafood Restaurant
4.6/521 Reviews
Southeast Asian

Hotels Near Puerto Princesa