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Find cheap and direct return flight tickets from Perth to Meekatharra.

Searching for the best last minute flight from Perth to Meekatharra? Find one-way or return flights that are affordable and fit your itinerary.

  • One way
  • Return

Crossed out prices are calculated based on the average price of the corresponding route on

Searching for the best last minute flight from Perth to Meekatharra? Find one-way or return flights that are affordable and fit your itinerary. monitors the ticket fares of flights from Perth to Meekatharra. Stay updated on price trends and snag the best deals for your upcoming trip.

Displayed prices are calculated based on the cheapest average weekly prices of the corresponding route on

How do I find the cheapest flights?

  • When are flight from Perth (PER) to Meekatharra (MKR) the cheapest?

    Airlines adjust prices for flights from Perth to Meekatharra based on the date and time of your booking. By analyzing data from all airlines, on, you can find the lowest flight prices on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays.
  • How long is the flights from Perth (PER) to Meekatharra (MKR)?

    It takes about 3 hours to fly from Perth (PER) to Meekatharra (MKR).
  • What time does the earliest flight from Perth to Meekatharra depart?

    The earliest flight departs from Perth (PER) at 07:35 and arrives in Meekatharra (MKR) at 10:35.
  • What are the most popular airlines that fly from Perth (PER) to Meekatharra (MKR)?

    Airlines with flights from Perth (PER) to Meekatharra (MKR): Skippers Aviation.
  • What's the most popular airline for direct flights from Perth (PER) to Meekatharra (MKR)?

    Skippers Aviation operates 1 direct flights from Perth (PER) to Meekatharra (MKR).
  • How many airports in Meekatharra (MKR)?

    There are 1 airport(s) in Meekatharra (MKR): Meekatharra Airport.

How to find a cheap flight from Perth to Meekatharra

Wait until the last minute and flight costs are often sky-high. Plan ahead, book the right way, and your savings can soar. We have loads of saving tips to help you find a cheap flight from Perth to Meekatharra. Book your flights at the right time and save more.
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Flight Information from Perth to Meekatharra

Off-season for travel


Peak season for travel


Flight distance


Average flight time

3 hours
Flight from Perth to Meekathara

Meekathara is a town in the mid-west of Australia. It is best known for being a mining town rich in gold during the 1980s; the city is currently home to the Royal Flying Doctor Service and the School of Air. The city has a rich aboriginal history dating back to the mid-1800s.

Tip: Meekathara is a hidden gem in the mid-west of the nation that offers unbeatable sceneries and landscapes.

Landing in Meekathara

The town of Meekathara has one major regional airport - the Meekathara Airport (MKR). It is a crucial ETOS diversion airport for the mid-west. Skipper Aviation is the sole airline that services the region.

There are very few flights from Perth to Meekathara, all of which are operated through Skipper Aviation, the sole regional operator. There is only a direct flight from Perth departing from Perth Airport (PER) which is served on four days a week. This is subject to change and demand and tickets can be hard to come by at the last minute. Meekathara Airport also houses private aviation classes.

Tip: The only regional airline on this route – Skipper Aviation runs flights along the way four times a week.

The Sights and Sounds of Meekathara

Meekathara is a beautiful escape from the tiring metropolitan life. It has little to no modern life around the region apart from mines and the airport and offers travellers the perfect camping and hiking environment. The landscapes in the region are also truly mesmerising and full of natural splendour. When visiting the area, check out the view from Meekathara lookout is recommended.

This town is rich in aboriginal life, with over 30% of the population here still considered native aboriginals. Numerous tribes are working the local mines, and you can visit some of the abandoned mines on tours, but it is recommended you do not venture into the tunnels.

Tip: Meekathara is a fun escape from reality and a great destination for a family camping trip, remember to carry essential emergency supplies though as the region has few pharmacies.

Best Areas to Stay In

Meekathara has homestays and some hotels available for tourists, and it is also possible to pitch a tent just outside the city and camp in the region. When in Meekathara it is recommended that you stay close to the town centre to gain access to facilities.

Tip: Tourists are recommended to check out the unique homestay options in the town.

Perth to Meekathara flights are not run regularly, the time of flights depend primarily on the regional airline, and there are no daily flights. Travellers on this route are recommended to reserve a Perth-Meekathara flight booking as early as possible as the flights only run four days a week. The earlier you book the tickets, the more comfortable you find affordable options available, travellers are requested to book as far in advance as possible to get the best deals. Using portals like can offer the best deals when you combine a discount hotel room with flight tickets. These great deals can be high in demand, so book them as soon as possible.

Live the outdoor dream in Meekathara with