Spring Outings
Spring Outings
Top 1 Spring Outings

Popular Spring Outings in Ninghai - 2024

Updated Apr 2024
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    227 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 11 reviews
    "Really good, there are few people during the Chinese New Year, no need to crowd people to see the head, parking is also very good, no need to queue at all. Good physical strength can climb the mountain all the way, almost half of the mountainside has a magic carpet, the waterfall water flow is relatively small in winter, the water flow should be much larger in summer!"
    11.5km from downtown
    Highlights: Lianghuang Mountain in the Lianghuang Mountain Scenic Area was called "Tongbai Mountain" in ancient times. It was named after Liang Xuan Emperor in the Southern and Northern Dynasties for the retreat. Many ancient and modern scholars have left poems and footprints here. Since the Song Dynasty, they have been one of the famous mountains in the south of the Yangtze River. Liang Huangshan is the opening place of "Xu Xiake's Travels" and is the birthplace of Jiangnan Buddhism and Taoist culture. The Lianghuang Mountain Scenic Area is beautiful and beautiful; it is a perfect combination of the history and culture of the city and the unique natural landscape.
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What are some Spring Outings in Ninghai?
Some Spring Outings in Ninghai include:Lianghuang Mountain Scenic Area
What are some highly-rated Spring Outings in Ninghai?
Some highly-rated Spring Outings in Ninghai include:Lianghuang Mountain Scenic Area:4.2
At what locations in Ninghai can Spring Outings in Ninghai be found?
The Spring Outings in Ninghai are mainly located in:Lianghuang Mountain Scenic Area:Ninghai