Baoji Botanical Garden
Baoji Botanical Garden
Baoji Botanical Garden

Photos of Baoji Botanical Garden

Baoji Botanical Garden was established in 1979, formerly known as Baoji City Nursery, and officially changed its name to Baoji Botanical Garden in 1985. There are 10 gardens, 3 areas and 1 site: Peony Garden, Begonia Garden, Cherry Plum Garden, Bitao Garden, Lilac Garden, Bamboo Garden, Chinese Rose Garden, Pomegranate Garden, Magnolia Garden, and Hundred Gardens. , Qinling introduction area, gymnosperm area, aquatic plant area, city tree city flower sparse forest grassland. Among them, there are about 180 species of Qinling plants, and more than 20 species of rare and endangered plants. The peony garden of Baoji Botanical Garden covers an area of more than 70 mu, planting more than 300 kinds of foreign fine and rare varieties, such as Central Plains peony, Lanzhou peony, Pengzhou peony and peony, and more than 30,000 plants, which are very popular among citizens and tourists. Every year when the flowers bloom, there is an endless stream of tourists, and it enjoys a high reputation and reputation in the Baoji area and even the province. Baoji Botanical Garden receives more than one million visitors annually. There are flowers in four seasons and scenery in every season. Every flower season is full of people. "Why do you need to go to Luoyang to watch flowers, you can enjoy peonies in the botanical garden". People come to watch the flowers and enjoy the scenery. Baoji Botanical Garden has become a favorite among citizens and tourists. Flower viewing spot. Since last year, under the care of the main leaders of the municipal government, new improvements have been made to the tourist area, building corridors, pavilions, pavilions, etc., adding cultural content and local characteristics, enriching plant varieties, and improving the overall landscape of the botanical garden.

Reviews on Baoji Botanical Garden

宝鸡植物园成立于1979年,前身为宝鸡市苗圃,1985年正式更名为宝鸡植物园,占地总面积1054亩,分为游览区、生态观光林地、专业研究苗圃区、综合功能区、后勤保障及管理区。其中:游览区650亩,建有人工湖70亩、假山4座,栽植各类观赏植物133科 、431属、1561种(包括698种、82变种变形及781栽培品种),数百万株,水面及绿地率94.82%;盆景园、濒危植物区、药用植物区正在规划建设,即将建成新的观赏景区。 游览区以各个植物专类园形式布局,建有10园3区1地:牡丹园、海棠园、樱梅园、碧桃园、丁香园、竹园、月季园、石榴园、木兰园、百花园,秦岭引种区、裸子植物区、水生植物区、市树市花疏林草地。其中,秦岭植物182种,珍稀及濒危保护植物26种。 我园牡丹园占地70多亩,栽植中原牡丹、兰州牡丹、彭州牡丹以及芍药等国外优良和珍稀品种300多种,30000多株,深受市民、游客欢迎。每年花开时节,游人络绎不绝,在宝鸡地区乃至省内享有很高的知名度和美誉度。 宝鸡植物园是在昔日杂草丛生,乱石遍地的渭河荒滩上,经过几代园林职工围垦囤田、抽洪淤积、改良土壤、培育栽植苗木,发扬愚公移山精神,在苗圃基础上自力更生,逐步改造建设发展起来的,建设历程凝聚了历届市委市政府的高度重视、上级主管局的关心与大力支持以及社会各界无私的援助、援建。 1999年,为了尽快建成开放植物园,在市财政资金紧张的情况下,由市城建局领导和指挥,全市机关团体、企事业单位、广大市民积极参与,广泛发动社会各界援助、援建,共计筹集建设资金200余万元,投入劳动力10余万人次、机械车辆台班1000多个,完成挖填土方量8万立方米,栽植各类树木、花卉10多万株。经过8个月的紧张施工和建设,园区初具规模,于2000年5月1日建成开放。 宝鸡植物园是集园林观赏、植物引进保护与示范推广、科研科普、园林设计施工为一体的综合性园林事业单位。2001年被陕西省科协命名为陕西省青少年科技教育基地,2002年12月被陕西省建设厅批准为城市园林绿化二级资质单位。 为了构建和谐社会,创建最佳人居环境,回报社会各界多年来对植物园的帮助和支持,让广大市民充分享受园林建设成果。自市园林环卫局2006年成立以来,按照市委、市政府的部署,宝鸡植物园于2007年元旦实行免费开放,宝鸡植物园进入飞速发展的新阶段。年游客接待量达到百万人次以上。四季有花、每季有景,每到花季,人潮涌动,“观花何须去洛阳,植物园里赏牡丹”,人们争相前来观花赏

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Restaurants Near Baoji Botanical Garden

Hutaoliyinyue Bar
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